DVLA V62 and V5C-2
Want to transfer a private number plate but don't have a V5C Registration Document in your name? Here's what you need to do.
Want to transfer a private number plate but don't have a V5C Registration Document in your name? Here's what you need to do.
Use the details from your V5C Registration Document to fill in the V750 Certificate of Entitlement. See below.
How do I put a private number plate on my car from a retention Certificate of Entitlement? How much does it cost? How long does it take?
What is a DVLA Certificate of Entitlement V750? Is it the same as a Retention Document? Everything you need to know about DVLA number plate certificates
When I get a personalised number plate, what happens to the registration number already on my car? How can I get it back when I sell my car? Questions answered
Why do I have to send my vehicle documents to transfer a private number plate? What happens to them? Will I get replacements when the registration is changed?
Can I transfer a personalised number plate to and from a motorbike (or moped)? Are the rules different for motorcycles than cars? How long does it take?
My car documents have got the registration number on them. What happens when I buy a personalised number plate? Do I get replacements? How does it work?
If I get a cherished number plate what happens to my car documents and insurance? How does my MoT, tax and V5C Registration Document logbook get changed?
What does it mean if my V5C Registration Document has "non transferable" next to the car registration number? Can I still put a private number plate on my car?