Certificate of Entitlement V750

DVLA V750 Certificate of Entitlement

What is a V750 Certificate of Entitlement?

A Certificate of Entitlement is a DVLA document with details of who has the rights to use the private registration number. You can use this to assign a private number plate to your car.


What does a DVLA Certificate of Entitlement look like?

This is a pink DVLA Certificate, showing entitlement to use the registration number printed on it.

It shows the name of the Purchaser, and the Nominee. It also shows the date the Certficate expires. The certificate number is also printed on the document. Be sure not to share this unique number as it could be used to transfer the registration number to a vehicle without the need for the paper certificate.


What do I do with it?

You can use it to put a private number plate onto a car. Or you can keep your registration number on the V750 Certificate of Entitlement until you are ready to use it. Just keep an eye on the expiry date. Follow the instructions on the back of the Certificate, to extend it.

The Certificate of Entitlement should be signed by the person named as Purchaser. Either the name of the Purchaser or Nominee should be the same as the Registered Keeper of the vehicle you wish to put the personalised registration number on.


What happens if I've lost my Certificate of Entitlement?

If you've lost your Certificate, you can get a duplicate. Only the person / Company named as Purchaser on the Certificate can obtain a duplicate. If you are the Nominee, you cannot make this request.


What happens if my Certificate has expired?

Your Certificate of Entitlement has an expiry date. If yours has expired, you may be able to get it brought back up to date. But this cannot be guaranteed. Again, this must be done by the person / Company named as Purchaser. You cannot do this if you are named as Nominee.

If your Certificate has expired, we may be able to help you whether or not you originally bought the registration number from us. See What if my Certificate has expired? for more details.

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What is a V778 Retention Document?

How do I put my private number plate on retention?

What do I do with a V750 Certificate of Entitlement?


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